Proceeds from the Sale of our Diamond Towels go to support The Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Donate Now to Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Our visionOur vision of a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free is not a noble gesture, but an essential means to sustain the future of our Earth by increasing the planet’s climate resiliency
There are 4 vital ways that we are fighting for the survival of whales and dolphins. You can help us:
End captivity - Whales and dolphins have a right to live free and healthy lives. These highly intelligent individuals should not suffer for human entertainment.
Stop whaling - In spite of a global moratorium on commercial whaling, Japan, Norway and Iceland kill around 1,500 whales each year.
Create healthy seas - Chemical and noise pollution, vessel strikes, prey depletion, and a changing climate threaten the lives of whales and dolphins.